Trayodashang Guggul
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Trayodashang Guggul

The Balya Guggulkalpa formulated with ‘Kuttan’ Sanskar specially in Goghruta is effective in Dhatukshayajanya Vatavikar. It relieves acute pain in condition like Grudhrasi, with stiffness in back and ankle joint. Useful in Asthisousheerya (Osteoporosis).

Available for purchase in retail stores only. Click here to find retail stores in your area.
Expiry: 5 years from Date of Manufacture


The Balya Guggulkalpa formulated with ‘Kuttan’ Sanskar specially in Goghruta is effective in Dhatukshayajanya Vatavikar. It relieves acute pain in condition like Grudhrasi, with stiffness in back and ankle joint. Useful in Asthisousheerya (Osteoporosis) with Balya, Rasayan and Asthidhatvagnivardhan properties.

Babhooltwak 1 part, Ashwagandha 1 part, Hapusha 1 part, Guduchi 1 part, Shatavari 1 part, Gokshur 1 part, Vruddhadaru 1 part, Rasna 1 part, Shatapushpa 1 part, Kachora 1 part, Ajamoda 1 part, Shunthi 1 part, AmrutaVishesh Shodhit Guggul 12 parts, Goghruta 6 parts

Grudhrasi, Katishoola, Katigraha, Sandhigata Vata, Asthi, Majjagata Vata, Asthisousheerya, Asthibhagna

60 Tab., 1000 Tab.

2 to 4 tablets 2-3 times a day with Maharasnadi Kadha, Dashamoolarishta, Mansarasa, Milk or lukewarm water


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